23 definitions by sir Charles Shrek the 1st

A really gay dude that pisses everyone off. he has no life and lowkey tries to control you. he is constantly power hungry and his actions make everyone hate him. if a guy named amien messages you, block him
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when you continuously send nudes to someone every day on Snapchat you earn "streaks" You have to send a nude every day or else you will break the streak or chain.
Alex: don't forget to send me streaks today ;)
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(midnight)(blackout)that moment when you stay up too late and are really tired and start acting like your high and hallucinating. you feel like you're dead inside but don't go to sleep
last night I had a mid-out
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socks that you individually put on your toes to keep them warm when they are cold
wow, these toe socks really keep me warm
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when ur vajay-jay smells gross and like fish coz u haven't showered in dayyzzz
male: dayuummm that's a stanky fishy gurl
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