15 definitions by siff ess bee

The bottom-left button with a windows icon. When you click it, the menu and options jump out in seconds.
Click the start button to find files, games, programs, etc or shut down your computer.
by siff ess bee July 4, 2017
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1. Abbreviation for mayonnaise.
2. Salad sauce.
3. Fresh sperm shot from the wang.
4. The cream you put on your face before using the razor.
5. Body lotion.
6. Shampoo.
7. Related to Maya.
8. Ice cream.
9. Yogurt.
1. Put some mayo on the sandwich.
2. Put some mayo to my fruit salad.
3. Dude you shot mayo on your face while jacking off.
4. Put the mayo on your face.
5. Mayo is good to your face.
6. Mayo is good to your hair.
7. I like the Mayo Pyramid.
8. I like to eat mayo.
9. You should drink some mayo.
by siff ess bee July 29, 2017
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The SIMPLEST shape of a star you could draw when you were a child.
The pentagrams in the sky look beautiful. I like pentagram.
by siff ess bee July 12, 2017
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Because of rule 34, I'm enjoying porn everyday, ’cuz I view everything as porn by applying them with rule 34.
by siff ess bee September 11, 2017
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A wallpaper-like image (generated by a computer) with a hidden image that requires you diverge your eyes to view it.
Stare at the stereogram and diverge your eyes.
You should see something popping out.
by siff ess bee July 8, 2017
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A 3D fractal with details that look like realistic or/and surreal landscapes.
by siff ess bee July 1, 2017
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The application/program you are currently using to go to the websites including this page.
You are using a browser.
Internet Explorer is a browser.
Browser is the only way to get access to the web.
by siff ess bee July 31, 2017
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