32 definitions by shoqvalue

Someone that posts on Twitter, Facebook or other social network for the purpose of coming on to someone romantically on behalf of someone else—often for money.

The Ghost Dater presumably knows better how to engage, intrigue, flirt, or otherwise attract a prospective date than the hopeless loser they are hired by.
FakeDonJuan69 wanted to become a professional Ghost Dater so he could make a bundle coming on to women on behalf of guys whom they normally wouldn't be caught dead with.
by shoqvalue June 1, 2010
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A twitter hash tag used on 8/28/2010 to commemorate Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally on the Washington mall.

Most often, but not exclusively used by his detractors, and a few insightful Republicans.
The #douchebeck claimed that he wasn't promoting a book, but was "restoring America's honor." Few understood what he meant.
by shoqvalue August 28, 2010
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Corporation + America

A shorter and more candid name for the corpocracy formerly known as the United State of America, prior to the Supreme Court's infamous "Citizen's United vs. FEC" decision.
As a citizen of Corperica, I am forced to accept that the rights of corporations are equal to mine as an individual.
by shoqvalue February 21, 2010
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Corpocracy + Citizen (n)

A citizen or other member of a corpocracy; a form of society that is dominated by private interests operating as incorporated commercial entities.
The Supreme Court, in Citizen's United vs. FEC, unleashed the power of corporate money in political campaigns, further entrenching the influence of corporate interests over United States corpizens.
by shoqvalue February 11, 2010
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Chamber of Commerce + Teabagger

An executive, supporter or operative of any Chamber of Commerce that is overtly or covertly seeking to co-opt or align the various "Tea Party" (a.k.a. Teabagger) movements with themselves and the Republican Party, to further their traditionally pro-corporate political interests.
Having little experience organizing rallies, he was eager to listen to the friendly Chamberbagger who seemed eager to help.
by shoqvalue April 7, 2010
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An acronym, popular on many social networks, which represents the constellation of converging interests between the American Republican Party and the Beyond Petroleum Corporation.
The GOBP was determined to push for new deep water oil drilling permits, even as an oil slick from a broken well continued flowing into the Gulf of Mexico.
by shoqvalue June 22, 2010
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Conservatism + Corporatism (ADJ)

Reflecting the convergence of influences between and among Fox News, Social Conservatism and Corporatism.
CNN, and most of the major media outlets, reflect their concorporative nature when they hire analysts from the Republican party, and routinely ask them to analyze Progressives, Democrats, or their positions.
by shoqvalue February 1, 2010
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