487 definitions by sam

store for people who arent quite man enough to walk through those scary hot topic doors, but still want studded belts and shirts that have funny monkeys on them, or something of that gist. apperantly its a "surf and skate" store. 99% of customers dont surf or skate. its true. just another corporation trying to appeal to kids by saying theyre not "corporate"
pac sun blows almost as hard as hot topic.

malls suck! make your own clothes!
by sam March 10, 2005
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A dumb fuck that dosent know any thing
Eileens a laser, she dosent know what a prick is!
by sam July 20, 2004
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Similar to 'Bell end'
The 'red' end of ones penis when erect.
'Get your red end out, i want it in my arse' said Marion
by sam April 11, 2005
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A dollar bill that you wipre your ass with. Then you put it shit side down on the sidewalk of a busy street. You know what comes dext.
Hey man! A dollar! No way dude. Thats a bill.
by sam April 29, 2004
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an albino kid who you cant see bacause hes either to white or transparent
Greg cant play in the snow cause well lose him
by sam December 17, 2003
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Best hair metal band ever, Their debut album, Appetite for Destruction, sold 20 million copies and had three singles in the top 10. Words aren't enough to describe them, listen to their music.
"Welcome to the Jungle" is an old song, but it's way ahead the present-day pop, hip-hop, and nu-metal crack hits.
by sam March 11, 2004
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otherwise known as ketamine,k. special k is a dissociative that can either be snorted or injected into the muscle. it makes you unable to control your body like a tranquilizer would. what it does on the mind is another story. it sems like you enter into a different world were you dont understand anything that is going on.
eg a friend of m ine didnt understand what she was meant to do with a chair. ie what way she was meant to sit on it.
by sam February 17, 2004
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