13 definitions by saggy sammy

To screw someone else in the anus, either by force or because they like it. Usually used in reference to two homosexual males screwing. Also buttslam.
by saggy sammy July 11, 2008
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To screw someone else in the anus, either by force or because they like it. Usually used in reference to two homosexual males screwing. Also butt slam
"I just walked in on Alex buttslamming Richard!"
by saggy sammy July 11, 2008
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-noun (pronounced "howlie")
Used by native Hawaiians to refer to white folks. Means "round-eye".
"Hey haole!"
by saggy sammy July 10, 2008
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To attack someone or something by wildly charging them full force with no sort of tact or skill other than one's own momentum and possibly the backs and sides of their fists as they randomly flail them out of rage, but certainly consisting of no precisely swung blows.
"Dude, Charlie just bum rushed me!"
by saggy sammy July 11, 2008
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To attack someone or something by wildly charging them full force with no sort of tact or skill other than one's own momentum and possibly the backs and sides of their fists as they randomly flail them out of rage, but certainly consisting of no precisely swung blows. Also bum rush.
"Dude, Charlie just bumrushed me!"
by saggy sammy July 11, 2008
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