18 definitions by ryan jackson


To be so annoying to the point of being unbearable.
Annoying Guy: Did you watch Teletubies yesterday?
Ryan: Fucking no.
Annoying Guy: Geez you missed a helluva show! Oops! shouldn't say hell, erm, heck. Anyway, they were dancing and playing and-
Ryan: Lord, please shut this fashious guy up.
Ryan: Thank you. The funeral will be in a week. I'll take care of the invitations for you.
by ryan jackson January 10, 2006
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It is a state of a financial success. You will know you are in the black as soon as the ladies come to mate and the nobodies come to hate.
Lady: That's a nice watch watch you got there
Lady: Yeah, it really is
Ryan: Well I am currently in the black
Lady: Oh, that's good to know...
Lady 2: Really good to know...
Ryan: How about you and your friend come up to room 118 later tonight and I'll show you how good it really is to be in the black
Lady: ooo
Lady 2: I like that idea
Ryan: Booya...
by ryan jackson September 24, 2006
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The system of values or principles by which one lives by. A result of combining one's steelo and steez. The reflection of one's steezo most often arises when he/she is placed in a situation where crucial decisions are required.
Jerry: She's into it.

George: Into what?

Jerry: The menage.

George: That's unbelievable!

Jerry: Oh, it's a scene man.

George: Do you ever just get down on your knees and thank god that you know me and have access to my dementia?

Jerry: What are you talking about? I'm not gonna to do it!

George: You're not doin' it? What do you mean, you're not goin to do it?!

Jerry: I can't. I'm not an orgy guy!

George: Are you crazy?! This is like discovering plutonium...by accident!

Jerry: Don't you know what it means to become an orgy guy? It changes everything. I'd have to dress different. I'd have to act different. I'd have to grow a moustache and get all kinds of robes and lotions and I'd need a new bedspread and new curtains. I'd have to get thick carpeting and weirdo lighting...

As you can see, the orgy scene was not in accordance with Seinfeld's steezo.
by ryan jackson April 13, 2007
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Ryan: How about, "I have an allergy to alcohol, so i brought a pound of marmar"
Dominik: They will accept if they’ve done a hefty amount of pre drinking
Jackson: Just looked up marmar, its undefined. I will be the first
Dominik: I assumed you mean't weed
by ryan jackson October 7, 2005
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two shafts melding into one to commence shaftage on the shaftee.
can be used as double shaftage, double shafted, doubly shafted, or double shafted to the nth degree.
I stole joe's iron madien cds and then cut the "mullet"
wow,he got double shafted
by ryan jackson March 12, 2004
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n. beyond sick, beyond atrocious; simply ill to the extreme
Dominik: "The Streets are sick on the mic."
Ryan: "Yes, but B.I.G is simply sickadocious."
Phil: "That's very true."
Tristan: "Shut up ffffag."
by ryan jackson October 5, 2005
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Slang for style; a playa's aura. Some get this definition confused with swagger. It can be your fashion but that's just part of the bigger picture. Let's just say, the devil didn't make you do it, it was your steelo.
"You should know my steelo/
Went from ten G's for blow to thirty G's a show/
To orgies with ho's I never seen befo'/" - Notorious B.I.G

Geek "I'm jealous of you"
Ryan "Don't hate my steelo"
Geek "I envy it"
Ryan "Geez, just cause I got steez?"
Geek "Let me carry you to school someday"
Ryan "Bathe twice"
Geek "You won't regret it"
by ryan jackson October 11, 2005
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