10 definitions by red dragon

Same as a "Spincter Says What" lead.
Hey "Dicfer", Tom said
Whats a "Dicfer"? asked Joel.
I you don't know....
by red dragon October 10, 2003
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While performing the act of defecating on the cellophane over your partner's mouth, a sudden tear accidentally forms and the log torpedoes into his/her mouth.
Tim could not foresee that by having bought the saran wrap at the Dollar Store would only lead to torpedoing the Glass- Bottom Steam Boat and ending a perfect night of love.
by red dragon October 18, 2003
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The act of inserting seminal fluids into an orifice i.e. anus. This act must take place prior to a spelch.
Neal virgorously felched into Bob while stuttering, "Rrrreefund your ass!"
by red dragon October 16, 2003
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