6 definitions by poopsie88

When you send off a tweet before reading it, and you regret it later.
Dude, I had a premature tweetjaculation last night when I was drunk off my ass.
by poopsie88 December 9, 2011
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I saw the Knicks totally bomb last night!

by poopsie88 February 4, 2012
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Guess who I saw yesterday?
Your old ex. Calvin!
FOH! Where you see that fool?
by poopsie88 June 11, 2012
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One who's sole source of information comes from FaceBook.
Her master's is in FaceBook Education.
by poopsie88 November 23, 2011
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Someone whose total education comes from FaceBook.
Children nowadays only get a FaceBook Education.
by poopsie88 February 17, 2012
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