74 definitions by peter kobs

This acronym stands for "Great Depression #2." It's shorthand for the seemingly imminent collapse of the global economic system starting in late 2008 and continuing into 2009. Some professional economists, as well as ordinary working people, are fearful that the spiralling financial meltdown will lead to a decade-long repeat of the 1930s, complete with bread lines, soup kitchens, radical uprisings and the possibility of global violence. "Happy times are here again!"
"The collapse of AIG is just one more sign that GD2 is here, my friends."
by peter kobs December 19, 2008
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1. The inescapable "tipping point" where people lose their sex appeal, status or eligibility because of advancing age.

2. The process now affecting most Baby Boomers in the United States.

3. Why the Rolling Stones won't be touring again soon.
They won't let David play in the band anymore. He's Aging Out!
by peter kobs July 31, 2009
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1. An avowed atheist who (secretly) turns to prayer during times of serious illness, extreme danger or personal crisis.

2. The theological equivalent of a strict vegetarian who will eat a steak sandwich (on the sly) when facing extreme hunger.

3. A way of "covering all your bases" during an emergency.
Becky says she doesn't believe in God, but she's really a Praytheist. After she was diagnosed with lymphoma, she started praying again in private.
by peter kobs January 20, 2010
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1. A new form of capitalism that emphasizes government intervention in the economy to rescue and restructure large companies that are deemed "too big to fail" because of the systemic risk they pose to the nation.

2. The opposite of Marxism, which anticipates the collapse of the entire capitalist system and the seizure of all "means of production" -- healthy companies included.

3. An economic system that prevents large, poorly managed companies from destroying the entire country.
Obama has been called a "socialist," but history will show he's really a clever student of "Neocapitalism."
by peter kobs May 25, 2009
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1. An act of extreme stupidity by the U.S. Supreme Court.

2. An attempt to undermine democracy or destroy human rights through judicial fiat.

3. What happens when a bunch of clueless lawyers pretend to be God.

Notable examples include:

-- The recent (2010) decision to allow unlimited corporate and interest group contributions to U.S. political campaigns.

-- The Buck vs. Bell ruling that permitted forced sterilization of the mentall ill. Justice Holmes said at the time: “Three generations of imbeciles are enough.”

-- The Dred Scott case that invalidated restrictions on slavery, while mandating that all African-Americans be treated as "property" in the eyes of the law.

-- Plessy v. Ferguson, which formally legalized segregation, Jim Crow laws and minority disenfranchisement throughout the nation.
The highest court in the land committed another act of Supreme Stupidity in January 2010 when it opened the floodgates to unlimited corporate cash in the election process. Can you say "plutocracy?" Sure you can!
by peter kobs February 18, 2010
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1. A new word that codifies an important feature, concept or practice in the online world.
2. The Web equivalent of a "neologism," a newly coined word that may be in the process of entering common use.
3. A slang term that was invented by -- and for -- Web users without approval from any outside authority.
"Phishing" and "viral marketing" are a great examples of Webisms that eventually entered worldwide parlance.
by peter kobs May 17, 2009
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1. A financial market so fragile that even strong companies are decimated by panic selling on Wall Street. 2. A market with almost no real buyers, only frantic sellers.
In this hollow market, even a safe company like Kraft Foods is tanking.
by peter kobs February 17, 2009
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