3 definitions by pescadoree

Faceappliance refers to a permanent and/or semi permanent head accessory that remains fixed to the face. This reference can further be adapted for more precise fixtures such as "face table" which can describe a type of mustache.
Tracy added another faceappliance. She now has six pieces of metal secured to her nose.

I'll never remove these earrings and I don't care if you call them faceappliances.
by pescadoree April 18, 2018
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An uncontrolled surge of unsolicited irrelevant information delivered by a person with a compulsion to lecture. Please note this person, also known as a "bullshflooder", may be immune to indicators of annoyance such as foot tapping and fist chewing.
Lenny knew a doctor ten years ago and will often deliver a bullshflood of pseudo medical advice.

Anne must be avoided after she's consumed more than two alcoholic beverages. She becomes an obnoxious bullshflooder.
by pescadoree October 30, 2017
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Leading another person to believe that you are unable to read or write for the purpose of gaining sympathy from that person. This may lead to feelings of embarrassment/bewilderment on the part of the illipulated person. The illipulator will generally feel amusement and may gain favors as a result of this fabrication.
Stan totally illipulated the waiter so the poor guy had to read the entire menu out loud. What an ass.

She wanted to give me a book so I told her I was still trying to learn how to read. I felt a little guilty about illipulating her but then she kept the book and I got laid!
by pescadoree April 7, 2018
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