15 definitions by ollie the dog

Someone whom you do not particularly like, but with whom you hang around because he or she is a friend of a friend.
A: If you don't like Pete, why do you spend time with him?
B: He's my dinglefriend, what can I say?
by ollie the dog January 23, 2004
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How the grammatically-challenged spell "whose."
Yo, who's car is dat?
by ollie the dog December 31, 2004
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Euphemism for the word nigger. Used by people who are afraid to say "nigger" (i.e., white people).
Child: Mom! Billy said the n-word!
Mom: Shut up and drink your gin!
by ollie the dog December 31, 2004
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You are such a cloaca! Let go of my gun, you addled egg!
by ollie the dog December 28, 2004
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After watching Halle Berry get doggied by Billy Bob in Monster's Ball, I had to go shake hands with Mr. Happy.
by ollie the dog December 28, 2004
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A musical instrument given to the Scottish by the Irish. The Scottish, unaware that the Irish had played a cruel joke on them, have continued to play the bagpipes.
Why do bagpipe players always march? They are trying to get away from the sound.
by ollie the dog January 2, 2004
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Extending the middle finger; often accompanied by the phrase "Fuck you!"
Some jackhole cut me off in traffic this morning, so I rolled down the window and flew him the bird.
by ollie the dog December 29, 2004
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