6 definitions by notryhards33

A pass given by an autistic person allowing neurotypicals to say "retard", and use autism as an insult.
John, do you want that sped kid's autism pass? He wants to let you call people retards.
by notryhards33 April 16, 2024
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When no IPhone 100 trillion dead vuvuzela no food
1: Are you a Socialist?
2: Didn't Socialism kill trillions, vuvuzela and no food?
by notryhards33 June 5, 2022
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p1: i like reddit and i don't like tiktok because-
me: OMG REDDITOR! r/redditmoment r/averageredditor
by notryhards33 October 4, 2022
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Essentially the N-Word Pass but instead of black people, autistic people can have this, and say the r-word "retard".
Autistic Kid: Do you want an R-Word Pass?
Neurotypical: Hell Yeah!
Neurotypical: Bye, Retard!
by notryhards33 April 8, 2024
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A roblox game with too many fucking tryhards and lifeless ppl.
Person 1: Do you play Sword Fights on the Heights?
Person 2: Yes
Person 1: Fuck you tryhard.
by notryhards33 February 8, 2021
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Turning Sigma; gaining aura.
P1: I have just seen someone stop using brainrot!
P2: bro was like Nikocado Avocado losing weight
by notryhards33 October 16, 2024
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