12 definitions by not r

A total cheapskate, especially when it comes to making sure to use every possible coupon and special offer--from our Dutch heritage and longtime association with Scots (Presbyterian) churches.

Washington Irving used our name in his satirical writings and played on the stereotype of cheapness, but ironically it wound up being turned right around into a sort of icon of upper-crust New York society! Don't be fooled by Ward McAllister's Four Hundred; a true Knickerbocker would never waste the bucks on the attire required to enter Mrs. Astor's ballroom.
Look, you can afford the cover charge, don't be such a knickerbocker about it.
by not r February 3, 2010
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Night of Decadence, Halloween party at Wiess College celebrating Sparky the Hooter and long noted for its high alcohol content.
Remember the Caligula-themed NoD where a 10-foot Sparky was plunged into Muffy the Volcano?
by not r May 8, 2009
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Highly unofficial and vulgar mascot of Wiess College, a huge cardboard penis constructed for NoD and paraded at the Homecoming game.
Sparky the Hooter says, I Give a Hoot!
by not r May 8, 2009
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Tbilisi slang for "cool" in the '80s.
"Es amerikuli ludi ar amerikulia"--This American beer is not so cool.
by not r December 11, 2008
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Formerly all-male residential college at Rice University, originally a showcase of Brutalist architecture, used to be selected mostly for science and engineering majors, was known as the Animal House of Rice, home of the Halloween party called NoD.
Probably never spoken at Wiess College: Take your stinking paws off me, you damn dirty Wiessman!
by not r May 8, 2009
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Seven year itch that Vulcan males get in Star Trek, when they have to mate or die.
What's the matter, Spock, got your Pon Farr on?
by not r December 11, 2008
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Salt substitute, from the chemical formula for it, KCl.
My doc said to cut out the nackle. Pass the kackle!
by not r April 9, 2009
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