15 definitions by ninjacow
Right when the bad guy is about to mug the farmer, and burn down the farm, the ninjacow strikes, and completely destroys the bad guy, before returning to it's herd.
by ninjacow July 16, 2010
In the old days, it was not called the Holiday Season; the Christians called it ‘Christmas’ and went to church; the Jews called it ‘Hanukka’ and went to synagogue; the atheists went to parties and drank. People passing each other on the street would say ‘Merry Christmas!’ or ‘Happy Hanukka!’ or (to the atheists) ‘Look out for the wall!’ ~Dave Barry
by ninjacow December 25, 2010
"flubberwibbett" exclaimed Charles when his car exploded
"flubberwibbett" exclaimed Charles when he got his first car
"flubberwibbett" mourned Charles when his mother died
"flubberwibbett" exclaimed Charles when he got hit by a car
"flubberwibbett" exclaimed Charles when he got his first car
"flubberwibbett" mourned Charles when his mother died
"flubberwibbett" exclaimed Charles when he got hit by a car
by ninjacow February 6, 2010
Person 1: "Wow, you need to clean up your room! It's a total kittywhompus!"
Person 2: "No, It's only a kerflufel!"
Person 2: "No, It's only a kerflufel!"
by ninjacow June 9, 2010
I took a parcut into the park by climbing that tree, and then jumping onto the overpass, then doing a flip into the park area.
by ninjacow October 11, 2010
Anti-Helium. It is 6 times heavier than air, and some light objects, such as Styrofoam, can float in it. Your can pour it into a container to test this. Also, It will make your voice really low.
by ninjacow June 1, 2010