7 definitions by nico assenti

shitted on

the act of someone totally and utterly making something or someone look misicule and insignificant.
1. josh just shitted on that guy in madden
2. i just shitted on the dishes right now
by nico assenti January 30, 2008
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a derogatory term for the phrase "im good" or "its cool"
1. u down to go to the mall? nah man, im boother
2. damn that steak was boother homie
by nico assenti January 31, 2008
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the sound a bell makes
"f'tang", went the bell
by nico assenti January 30, 2008
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fat sanch

when someone has a huge mustache...usually directed toward younger boys
1. damn jordan really needs to shave his fat sanch
by nico assenti January 31, 2008
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on my jock

when a beezy gives you a lot of attention or wont leave you alone. it can be in a positive or negative way.
1. damn man this bitch is on my jock, she wants it (positive)
2. shit this dumb beezy is on my jock, she wont leave me alone (negative)
by nico assenti January 31, 2008
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on my jock

when a beezy gives you a lot of attention or wont leave you alone. it can be in a positive or negative way.
1. damn man this bitch is on my jock, she wants it (positive)
2. shit this dumb beezy is on my jock, she wont leave me alone (negative)
by nico assenti January 31, 2008
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on my jock

when a beezy gives you a lot of attention or wont leave you alone. it can be in a positive or negative way.
1. damn man this bitch is on my jock, she wants it (positive)
2. shit this dumb beezy is on my jock, she wont leave me alone (negative)
by nico assenti January 31, 2008
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