40 definitions by nickidewbear

Paradoxical or contradictory. Has both good and bad aspects and/or sides, but the bad may or does outweigh the good.
Dude, he's a mixed bag. I'm not entirely sure that I'd trust him.
by nickidewbear June 14, 2013
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A Hispanic and Jewish last name, such as folk singer Joan Baez has. An infamous bearer of the "Baez" surname is an unethical and immoral Puerto-Rican New Yorker named Jose "Juanie Cochran" Baez; who shamed the Hispanic, New Yorker (including Hispanic New Yorker), and legal and law-enforcement communities by conspiring to perjure and witness tamper in order to help acquit a infantocidal sociopath named Casey Marie Anthony.
"Look; at least that guy wasn't a Jose Baez-- so you can't down the legal system completely. Cochran, Baez-- who cares? At least he recused himself from representing Levi Aron when he knew that he murdered Leiby Kletzky."
by nickidewbear August 19, 2011
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The Hebrew national anthem is "Tikvateinu" ("Our Hope") or "HaTikvah" ("The Hope").
by nickidewbear August 20, 2011
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An awful time in Jewish and general history, the Spanish Inquisition was commenced by Queen Isabel and King Ferdinand of Spain. Jews were systematically and specifically persecuted, forced either to convert to Roman Catholicism or be killed by the monarchy.
The Spanish Inquisition may have affected Christopher Columbus to be quiet about his own Jewish heritage.
by nickidewbear November 26, 2011
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A Slavic and Ashkenazic Jewish surname meaning "new" (e.g., "Novy"), "Nov-ak" could also be a play on "Nov akh" or "frutiful brother" (Hebrew).
Bearers of the "Novak" surname include actress Kim Novak (who took "Novak" as her stagename), columnist and cancer victim Robert Novak, the psychotic astronaut and honorably-discharged Navy servicewoman Lisa Nowak, and Marysia "Maria" Novakova Rusnakova (1855-c. 1907) -- who was married to Jakub Rusnak (a member of the late Kosice, Slovakia Jewish Rusnaks) and was the paternal grandmother of Sgt. and Veterans of Foreign Wars Commander Carl Stephen Rusnak (January 2, 1922 - November 7, 1999; US Army, WW2, European Theater, honorably discharged after the war). By the way, Maria's relative Leopold Novak was an early victim of the Holocaust in then-Czechoslovakian Zlata Idka: he was murdered in a then-Aranydka mine in 1936.
by nickidewbear August 19, 2011
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An Ethnic Jew who believes in Jesus (Yeshua) as the Jewish Messiah (Mashiach/Moshiach). He or she may or may not be a member of the group Jews for Jesus.
A Jew For Jesus is also called a Messianic Jew or Jewish Christian. Among the most controversial Jews For Jesus was a Jewish man who was a Southern Baptist pastor named Martin Meyer "Moishe" Rosen (1932-2010). The late Moishe Rosen founded the group known as Jews For Jesus. Like individual Jews for Jesus are, the group Jews For Jesus is often a target of every kind of intolerance and persecution imaginable--most often from Anti Semitic and Anti Messianic ("Anti Missionary", "Counter Missionary") individuals and groups; ranging from individuals and groups who are racist against all Jews, anyway (such as David Duke and Stormfront, and Malik Zulu Shabbaz and the Pseudo-Jewish Black Hebrew Israelites), to individuals such as Tracey Rich of JewFAQ and groups such as the Central Conference of American Rabbis of the Union of Reform Judaism, who have issued multiple responsa against Messianic Jews and Messianic Judaism (e.g., "CCAR RESPONSA 'On Patrilineal Descent, Apostasy, and Synagogue Honors', 5758.11").
by nickidewbear June 14, 2013
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Yiddish equivalent to German "Frau"- "woman".
That meshugah froy has chutzpah: she's no good Jewish girl. She's a shiske corva.
by nickidewbear May 22, 2011
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