15 definitions by namllrn

(1)One who is inherantly lazy and witout motivation(2) to be complacent.
(3)An obese peson who consumes large proportions of food and drinks, who makes no attempts at changing thier behavior.(4)resembling a cow.
She is very moofed out, she hasn't moved an inch today!
He is so moofed out, he doesn't care about anyting.
That lady was so moofed out, she was nearly 500 pounds!
by namllrn April 27, 2004
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(1)To have sex with someone

(2)A skip of the foot while one leg drags behind momentarily

(3)To start or consume something
What happened with you and that girl last night? "I honesied!"

Wow look at that guy honsey!

Man! you ate all my pizza! I told you not to honsey!!
by namllrn April 28, 2004
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(1) Originating from a rare breed of human in the mid 1990's who inherently
described a curb as insufficient in height when attempting to grind the a curb with his skateboard.

(2) to be short
(1) WOW! This curb is low on the!
(2) That person's height is low on the
by namllrn April 28, 2004
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A rather pointless but extremely adictive and fun suffix to use that will definatley enhance any discription of anthing.
WOW! she's so cute "on it"

I am kinda drunk "on it"

That guy was a total asshole "on it"

I don't know about that guy, he's kinda queen styles "on it"
by namllrn April 28, 2004
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(1)a person who is very particular about the things they are interested in.(2)one who is attentive to detail and quality(3)verb:"sneetish" to be that which is particlar in any given topic or field of knowledge.
Man, she is so snetish! where did she get those shoes?

Those sneets are very determined at findind a viable solution to the depletion of natural energy sources

He is very sneetish, I do not think he will be attracted to her!
by namllrn April 27, 2004
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(1) To wyile out in unison with other buck wylin friends
Weez wuz wylin' last night
by namllrn April 28, 2004
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