2 definitions by multiple usernames

Some students who attend this school write exaggerated dramatic urban dictionary deffinitions implying that people who go there (like themselves) are either insane, dumb or stoners and that the teachers are obsessive about their "values" and rules to the point of potential danger to students. These "definitions" are often false but hold some truth to them and are fucking hillarious to read through.
Person A: what school do you go to?
Person B: I'm 31
Person A: ok, what school did you go to?
Person B: QES/Queen elizabeth school
Person A: ok, lemme look it up.... .......holy shit! do you have stab wounds or were you a shool drug dealer?
Person B: you need to stop looking at UD whenever a place comes up you've never heard of.
Person A: cool
Person B: what school did YOU go to?
Person A: I'm still in school
Person B: why the fuuuckkk are you talking to me?
Person A: I'm trying to get kidnapped by a pedo.
Person B: I'm gonna take you to the police, you need a shrink
Person A: what's a shrink?
Person B: I fucking hate children with a murderous passion
by multiple usernames March 5, 2022
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The name given to people who call people retards who don't deserve it which doesn't make sense as retard is an infinitive of a verb that means "to hinder".
person A: "you are a retard"
person B: "retard is a verb, what i think you mean is retardant, which is used to describe people like you, people who can be a frequent hindrance"
by multiple usernames October 29, 2021
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