54 definitions by molly

An abbreviated form of:

Shut The Fuck Up

Often used in the popular internet comic "Little Gamers" and on internet message board and chat rooms across the nation.
The Sims is teh suxorz.
by molly November 15, 2003
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a hyper expression of oneself's insaneity and excitedness
Can I get a woopwoop?
by molly December 30, 2004
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an actual 6th grader. Immature, trys to act like an 8th or 7th grader, ignorant, annoying. 11 years old.
But she's still a sixth grader.
Those damn 6trh graders r driving me fuckin crazy!
by molly April 23, 2005
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Ok, at my school My stupid teacher dosent let us wear them. Yeah, they're sex bracelets, but no one breaks them off and just goes and fucks the the hell outta eachother. heres what they mean where I come from:
Red-Lap dance
Clear-Whatever Snapper Wants
by molly March 20, 2004
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kill, used by l33t or 1337 people on online games such as cs/ counterstrike
omg its a tk48er, whatch out he is trying to dd152erate us
by molly June 2, 2003
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Several meanings include:
Similar to go fuck yourself, go get yourself a slut, or go hang out with your sluts
by molly September 4, 2004
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short for: beer cavity.
a cavity in your tooth resulting from drinking too much beer
kara had to go to the dentist to take care of her beer cav because she forgot to bring her toothbrush to the party last weekend
by molly April 12, 2006
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