11 definitions by misc544

Dude 1: Guys, I'm wanted sewage!
Dude 2: Hope a hundred!
by misc544 August 29, 2023
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It's when you jump inside an elephant's mouth and when the elephant releases you from the butt you emerge unscathed and then someone finds you and buries you alive in a grave and you emerge four and a half hours and live until another elephant eats you 3 years and 261 days later. You mess with the elephant's inside organs and make him an unidentified Bigfoot organism that looks like an ugly alien. The elephant dies and you give his changed DNA to expert scientists.

Notable for being a long word.
Yeh: I had a feketohakakukapinzoresquipraparficisexcrementusadregusaburaymortisofficialisrestolisighorusaemergoivavouratisalllywcywduahundredussixit...I can't remember all of that word.
Hey: A feketohakakukapinzoresquipraparficisexcrementusadregusaburaymortisofficialisrestolisighorusaemergoivavouratisalllywcywduahundredussixitius what?
Yeh: It's an adventure like that. I ended it the night before you decided to have the most fantastic party ever. It passed like a single coucou clock. What's the fultum version of that Latelish word?
Hey: Feketohakakukapinzoresquipraparficisexcrementusadregusaburaymortisofficialisrestolisighorusaemergoivavouratisalllywcywduahundredussixitiusiemmeimessiusunindentifisbygfwtdwcwywcwymcwmuglotitisalieniusylyfwntmortalisexpertasyntystwsegansartorsitemeieius. Thank goodness I had my brain do fultum memorisum on that word.
by misc544 March 28, 2022
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Aibohphobia is the fear of palindromes
Hey: Hey booty, wanna see my race car?
by misc544 June 7, 2020
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Someone who tickles you.
Dude 1: I'm not a dickle
by misc544 June 7, 2020
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A mug covered in credit card s.
Thief 556: I got an udmerch!
Burglar: Wow! That is very good, Thief Number 556!
by misc544 September 28, 2022
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