8 definitions by millionmileman

Replaces "doesn't" which no longer is in popular spoken English. Exp.: "Duzint he?" would not be said "does not he?" It makes sense, duzint it? (You really want to conjoin 2 words, replace a "missing" letter with ', and use it improperly?; why?)
Def: interrogative verb used pre-statement to imply question.
Duzint it make sense to do it my way?
Duzint "does not it" seem awkward and odd when you think about it?
by millionmileman October 29, 2021
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Noun: Malapropism; Device used to snort roaches. Usually electrical device that heats roach (NOT insect) to enable inbibement by combustion of marijuana.
My old 60's Ford Falcon didn't come with a cigarette lighter, luckily I had my Snorchrotor to ignite my roach.
by millionmileman October 22, 2019
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To make complex things more complicated or to make complicated things more complex. Verb: complexication, adding more variables to an already complex and/ or complicated system. adj: complexicated, a system both complicated and complex.
Designing the life support system to allow astronauts to go to mars is very complex and doing the geometry of the flight is very complicated, the mission itself is very complexicated.
by millionmileman December 8, 2018
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Spoken English- Positive aknowlegement of others statement. In agreement with.
It's really the right thing to do, fursheur!
by millionmileman December 7, 2021
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Adj. Something that is seen as half empty and/or half full.
My beer glass is empful, I'll need a refill soon.
by millionmileman August 28, 2019
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