745 definitions by michael foolsley

get something away from you; out of your sight

-the concept of "disposable" is a gray area! when an item exhausts its' 'working life', it becomes "disposable"!! ie: it can no longer perform the 'work' it was intended to perform. it can (and MAY) still exist for all eternity!!, but has become a non-entity to you! -the $64,000 question is WHERE it is "disposed" TO!!

some items are designed specifically to be "disposable"!!??
i don't envy those 'mopping up' years down the line, when i'm 'stone dead' and 'space' is replaced by bodies and "disposable" items -i guess they'll blast all this crap into 'space'
john finished with the jenkins girl and she became disposable.
i threw my "disposable" razor into the garbage can.
all my disposable 'ravings' have become tiresome! lets' go 'conservative', or get 'fucked up'! (preferably the latter!!)
by michael foolsley December 30, 2010
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have a shit -very much like being in labor, complete with "trimesters" and 'pain' (i feel the 'baby' kicking!!)
i was seriously pregnant, and knew i'd better rapidly get to a toilet and give birth!

i was in my third trimester, and having intense labor pains!

i got to a toilet just as the 'baby's' head came out, and then i proceeded to give birth!
by michael foolsley December 31, 2010
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a 'floating' mode of transportation powered by magnetism conceived by chester gould, creator of the (ancient) dick tracy comic strip.

i remain somewhat disappointed i never got my "flying car"!! -in the 60s', technology was becoming so awesome, one believed "the sky was the limit", -and it wasn't....!!

if we can land on the moon, where is this type technology?
and while we're at it, how about a virtual reality android/cyborg to "take one off", too!? men AND women would probably be thrilled to dispense with one another!!!!
he was crusin' for a bruisin' in his magnetic air car!

-used magnetic air cars over at tony's, for only 100 cesium-23 discs!!

i designed a magnetic air car, but was 'smoked' by the "big three"
by michael foolsley June 1, 2011
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what am i 'sposed to do with all this spunk?
john looked at his erection and asked himself the $64,000 question. -he didn't have a very long line of people waiting to 'take him off'.........
by michael foolsley December 5, 2009
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doing the speed limit or LESS! in the (left or) passing lane!
an individual unable to perceive the line of cars behind him/her, hugging their bumper; trying to tell them something.

GET OUT OF THE FUCKING WAY! YOU DUMB ASS!! -camp on a toilet!!! -makes one long for a james bond car!!! to 'fix' the problem!, ignorance; total non-understanding of ones' status relating to driving techniques.! STUPIDITY!!
that stupid ass has the passing lane blindness, what a dumb mother-fuck!! -might as well get out and walk!!

he has the passing lane blindness, and doesn't notice the tractor-trailer up his ass!!
by michael foolsley December 10, 2009
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exercising to scare off 'bulk', ie: keep the 'edge on the knife', raise ones' 'bargaining power'
judy was out honing the knife for her general well being and of course; to perhaps attract customers!!
by michael foolsley November 26, 2009
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prophyillactic, rubber, trash can liner
judy usually kept a garbage bag in her purse
by michael foolsley November 26, 2009
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