745 definitions by michael foolsley

reluctantly acceptive of a "pick up bar" turn down
jim had to scrub the launch and return home for some ungoverned sex! and set himself "alight" (-UK for "on fire" !)

he hated to, but had to scrub the launch

he THOUGHT he was going to "get off" , but had to scrub the (would be) launch
by michael foolsley September 5, 2022
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summertime game- approaching a human by whatever means, (car, bike, cycle, etc) seeing a scantily clad exerciser and trying to determine the sex (handicaps for bad eyesight!!) ie: crack or joker??
i came upon a human with a perky butt while playing crack or joker, but it was a DUDE!
by michael foolsley November 26, 2009
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social scientist whose realm of study is styles, habits, beliefs, movements, and logic patterns of lighter complected peoples
judy was fascinated by the life-styles of the lighter complected peoples; she was an ivy-league caucasiologist!

jim listened to the conservative talk show host with fascination!, he jotted some notes down for his caucasiologist studies.

as the darker complected individual 'ragged on' about his lighter complected "brothers", caucasiologist john struck a match off his pith helmet and lit a cigarette!!
by michael foolsley January 1, 2010
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ga-lump, heavy stride of a fat person
she was ga-lumping down the street, she was a heavy walker

he was over 400lbs, he was a heavy walker
by michael foolsley December 22, 2009
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what everything revolves around, a very conceited (sarcasm) and/or wise being. -from the jimi hendrix song: axis bold as love
just ask the axis he/she knows everything

we'd better ask the axis, he/she knows everything

that woman thinks shes' the axis
by michael foolsley December 14, 2009
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younger humans getting/giving a personal show of their 'treasures'...something to make the most liberal parent 'squirm'
we were playing show me yours i'll show you mine; in an abandoned shotgun shack.
by michael foolsley December 2, 2009
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dude, i saw this bitch on the fantasy box, nobody can look that good...

-probably an android dude!
by michael foolsley November 20, 2009
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