287 definitions by michaeL

1. A person from Nebraska who wants to be identified as a Texan. 2. A wanna-be Texan who refuses to use ya'll or fixin' in their regular vocabulary.
Shannon Keating is my favorite little Nebraskian.
by michaeL December 18, 2003
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Imagine the diagonosis...:

Doctor: Well son, we found out what you have...

Patient: Yes, doctor?

Doctor: You have Sesquipedalophobia.

Patient: Holy shit! That's a long ass word! I'm fucking scared and I'm going to go kill myself!

Doctor: Damn, I can NEVER get thru that damn diagonosis with ANYBODY. SHIT!
by michaeL April 17, 2004
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very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very gay...
clint clint clint clint clint clint clint clint
by michaeL March 12, 2005
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How The Fuck Is That/This
How the fuck is that spaceship floating over there?
by michaeL August 2, 2004
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1. an asshole who everyone hates.
2. Someone that is better off dead
That frat boy is such a kleinmen he put ghb into that girls drink.
by michaeL May 11, 2003
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A kick ass Punk Rocker part of an awesome punk band, HELL YEAH!
Suchman is cool
by michaeL July 21, 2003
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