8 definitions by md

Best metal band of the 80's 90's and today, releasing such hits as Symphony of Destruction, Peace Sells... But Whos Buying, Trust, Hangar 18, Forclosure of a Dream and many other great songs. Formed by former Metallica member (and co-founder) Dave Mustaine, who, contrary to popular belief, was kicked out of Metallica after a fight which occured when Metallica frontman James Hetfield kicked one of Dave's dogs.
Billy: Hey yo, I found me some cool music by Megadeth.
John: Right on Billy, Megadeth rock hard!
Steven: They certainly do.
by md March 24, 2005
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Nickname for those born as a Cancer.
My crabby was born on June 24th.
by md January 19, 2005
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A store that people think of as a place where they can get stuff for free. Thus, they complain like spoiled brats and try to cheat the store whenever possible, and when they are caught cheating and/or stealing, they scream and yell like 3-year-olds and treat the people working their like shit.
I broke my fridge by drilling holes in it! I want Sears to replace it, even though I have no warranty!

Asshole: What do you mean, under warranty? It's a Craftsman, they're guranteed for life!
Associate: Only hand tools are guranteed like that. Power Tools have moving parts, so they are only covered for a year. If you weren't a fucking moron, you'd have read the side of the box where it says so.
by md October 17, 2003
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1: refusal to admit the truth or reality (as of a statement or charge) 2: assertion that an allegation is false
Some dude told me I was fat…I know I’m chunky…but I didn’t think I was that bad off
by md June 4, 2004
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Defined to be a new technique for certain males.
"He Joned in the washroom when nobody was looking."
by md January 26, 2005
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Any socially-unconvential lifestyle, esp. sexual. Includes but is not restricted to describing gay lifestyles.
Swinging is an alternative lifestyle.
To Meg, Goth was more than just an attitude, it was whole alternative lifestyle.
by md April 3, 2003
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