5 definitions by master finger blaster

noun: used to decribe a person who has homosexual qualitys but is not necessarily gay
similar to fruitcake
Dude, you are a fruitsack.
by master finger blaster October 10, 2004
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when you go down on a girl while she is on her period. comes from what you look like afterwards (blood on face)
he likes to give girls the happy clown. what a sick fuck.
by master finger blaster October 10, 2004
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the particpipants of a circle jerk

also a great punk band
those guys are a bunch of circle jerks. lets get out of here before they start wacking each other off.
by master finger blaster October 10, 2004
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extremely gay
adjective form of gaymo
blink-182 is so gaymous
by master finger blaster October 10, 2004
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