24 definitions by masta dragon red

when a girl quickly insert a finger in a mans ass during sex
dude:how'd ur girl get a broke nose?
dude2:she gave me a drive by and i didnt like it to good
by masta dragon red June 26, 2004
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PN. Someone who cant neither give sexual pleasure nore oral pleasure
Dude: So what happened between you and her?

Dude2: She lied too much plus she was a dead piece.
by masta dragon red June 24, 2004
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Farts so foul smelling it gags the person farting, usually acquired by eating some form of mexican food mainly taco bell
Oh my god dude I gotta give you fair warning I got some demonic gas tonightI had a burrito from taco bell.
by masta dragon red March 4, 2010
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innuindo for someone who is in the bathroom masturbaiting

fun because most people dont get it, thing their chronic mastubation is a secert
dude: hey man,whats goin on? wheres morgan at ?
dude2: oh hes in the bathroom scrubbin his teeth...
dude: hey morgan, quit scrubbin ya teeth and bring ya ass out here !!!
by masta dragon red March 27, 2007
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Loser that have nothing else better to do on friday & saturday but cruize up and down the road in their import cars with upgrades their parents buy them

I wish my mommy gave me a car and pimped it out for me
Look at those jacksons their honda, they arent nothing but cruizers
by masta dragon red June 24, 2004
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Bomb made by using dry ice , hot water, and or one of the following

8oz. bottle
12 oz. bottle
1,2, and 3 liter bottles
Must be soda bottles water bottles will not work right
Q: What should we do to scare the neighbors?
A: Dry-Ice Bomb
by masta dragon red July 11, 2004
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That damn barking spider has been following me around all day, now I'm gonna have to go drop off that nest of barking spider eggs
by masta dragon red February 23, 2010
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