9 definitions by little geek

An ancient method of creating special effects in movies, involving a meticulous process of filming a model against a green screen. Has been almost completely replaced by CGI.
Jurassic Park was almost filmed using stop motion, but ended up with CGI dinos when the producers realized that stop motion is one fugly way of doing special effects.
by little geek January 1, 2006
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A once talented director whose success with the Star Wars films has driven him completely insane.
Twenty bucks says that in ten years, George Lucas will be living in a cave, saving his urine, not cutting his fingernails, and trying to kill himself with a plastic lightsaber.
by little geek July 2, 2005
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A black actor who's appeared in just about every movie. Ever.
When in doubt, cast Samuel L. Jackson in a supporting or leading role.
by little geek July 9, 2005
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Abbreviation for Real Life, a free MMORPG/FPS that automatically logs you in when you exit all other computer games. Some of the features include:

-Insanely high FPS
-Virtually no lag
-No load times
-State of the art ragdoll physics

Unfortunately, there's a very steep learning curve, and there doesn't appear to be any respawn for dead players.
There are no respawn points in RL, unless you're a Buddhist or a Hindu.
by little geek March 19, 2006
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Short for "What the hell." Used by pussies who don't want to say "What the fuck."
Dude: Hey
Other Dude: WTH are you doing here?
Dude: WTF is wrong with you?
by little geek December 9, 2005
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Microphone, often used in online games such as Counter-Strike. There are usually three types of people who use it:

1) The 20-year-old guy who makes good use of it by communicating with his team
2) The moron who likes to scream at people on his team, usually resulting in garbled screeching
3) The 10-year-old who barks orders at his teammates when he's losing and shouts "Yipee" when he's winning, only to sound ridiculous either way
I was on a server last night where everyone used a mic. I went to sleep with bleeding ears.
by little geek August 5, 2005
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The worst kind of sleazy, unimaginative tripe in the fanfiction world, in which two males, usually canon characters, participate in homosexual activity atypical to how they're depicted in the official franchise.
Every single slash fanfiction is a disgrace to the franchise it's based off of.

And I mean every. Single. One.
by little geek June 29, 2005
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