9 definitions by little geek

The worst kind of sleazy, unimaginative tripe in the fanfiction world, in which two males, usually canon characters, participate in homosexual activity atypical to how they're depicted in the official franchise.
Every single slash fanfiction is a disgrace to the franchise it's based off of.

And I mean every. Single. One.
by little geek June 29, 2005
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The most ingenious projectile weapon known to man. Commonly created by taking a small piece of paper that had been balled and moistened in the mouth, placing a thin tube to the lips (such as a plastic straw or broken pen), and blowing so that the projectile passes through the tube at a high velocity until impacting in a vivid display of saliva. Over the years, the spitball has become one of the greatest threats to teachers, school administrators, nerds, and obese girls everywhere. Attempts have been made to limit the spread of this dangerous weapon, but the spitball remains prevalent because of how easy it is to create, use, and conceal.
"Oh man, Justin hit Allie in the ear with a spitball. The teacher is still trying to find out who did it!"

"Ha ha... my Dad told me about how he used to shoot spitballs into nerds' eyeglasses. That weapon is timeless."
by little geek January 28, 2006
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