17 definitions by linux system message

Any area in the US where the word "Y'all" is used by anyone.
If your an Atheist don't move to the south, they hate us here.
by linux system message April 15, 2004
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An awesome team that every incoherent, dumbass, po-dunk, redneck seems to think sucks. Big fucking deal if they had a bad year, lets see your inbred team do good with over 1/2 thier starters hurt.
49er fan: The Fortay-Niners are fabulous!!1111

Jet fan: Hey, yous Raiders betters shuts yous faces before I kills yous.

Buck fan: What! We've only had 6 winning seasons in 28 years?! We DO suck!
by linux system message April 3, 2004
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A team that could be coached by a 2 year old that know the words "run it".
Billick: Ok heres what were going to do on this play, we're going to run the ball. As a matter of fact why don't we just run the ball every single time?
by linux system message April 3, 2004
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A game you should never play. It may seem fun at first but after 2 years you will say to yourself "Holy Shit! This game blows!".
Runescape is a game run by middle school kids because they don't halfto get off thier lazy asses and get a job at CVS, which you will in turn get fired from for no god damn reason.
by linux system message March 5, 2004
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An abnormal and persistent fear of the great mole rat.
by linux system message March 19, 2004
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A fan base of blowhard, egotistical, elitist children stuck following a team in their shit-hole state because there’s nothing else for them to live for; The Cleveland Browns suck, the Cleveland Indians suck, the Cleveland Cavaliers suck, and the last time the Buckeyes won anything remotely resembling a legitimate championship was, to the best of my recollection, about 800 years ago under some senile old bastard named Woody Hayes.

Then along comes the 2003 Fiesta Bowl. Sure, the Buckeye's QB Craig Krenzel was only 7-of-21, for 122 yards, with no touchdowns and two interceptions, but the Buckeyes had a secret weapon in the form of an incompetent ref by the name of Terry Porter. You see, Porter's blatantly obvious blunder snatched victory from the legitimate champion Miami Hurricanes and instead gift-wrapped the outcome for the Buckeyes. Unfortunately Porter's blown call against the Hurricanes has forever tainted the first Buckeye "title" (I'm even ashamed to call it that) in about 800 years.

Then, in the aftermath of this forever-tainted "title", hordes of long-deprived Buckeye fans streamed to NCAA message boards, repeatedly posting about how great Thee Ohio State University (Elitist, egotistical bastards anyone?) were during the 2002 season (even though the Buckeyes were incredibly fortunate not to lose 5 games during the season), and on top of that, posting about how there was absolutely no way that any team other than the Buckeyes would win the next 20 (or even more) championships while finding as may ways to “insult” the University of Michigan as they could despite every one they struggled to think of only came out to sound like one-way childish name calling.

In the midst of all of this comes the revelation that the Buckeye's star running back was, in all likelihood, academically ineligible to even play in the Fiesta Bowl. The NCAA is still trying to sort out the mess.
Childish, egotistical, unwanted… that’s Thee Ohio State University.
by linux system message March 31, 2005
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The best band in the History of the world.
#1) PM5K
#2) Tenacious D
#3) There is no #3, every other band is crap.
by linux system message March 30, 2004
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