333 definitions by lauren

No matter where you go you'll never find a girl better than the ones at the Jersey Shore. We're not the bennies that live there 2 out of the 12 monthes. We survive on corona and surf taco while catchin every wave we can.
by lauren March 15, 2005
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GAH! my asshole boyfriend has no idea how to pick up his phone and DIAL a number!
by lauren February 6, 2003
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a person who fakes like a stoner but takes one hit (of a joint) and then says how high they are and won't smoke any more
"oh jon's just a one hitter quitter- don't smoke with him"
by lauren August 31, 2003
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One of the bext characters on Invader Zim ever. He's a little fuzzy hamster that eventually grows and tries to take over the city.
"He's like a fuzzy 'lil peepi person!!!"
by lauren April 13, 2004
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