9 definitions by laeiryn

The act of fitting a lot of crap into a very tiny space through clever usage of every bit of available space. Tetris-gifted people can easily pack an entire house into the trunk of a Toyota. This can come in very handy when space is at a premium!

A person who is particularly talented in this way is often referred to as a Tetris King or Queen.
I spent three hours Tetrising, but I finally got the car packed. I told you the whole living room could fit in the van in one trip!

I don't know how that girl did it, but there's thirty plastic flamingos in my bathroom!

We told you not to piss Sarah off. She's too good at Tetrising!
by laeiryn March 1, 2011
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'Winning' in a Darwinistic fashion, or on a Darwinistic path. i.e. When you see a really stupid person have something bad happen to them brought on by their own stupidity, Darwin is Winning, and it is a darwinning occurrence.
"Hahah, that lady was talking on her cell phone and tripped and fell into the fountain in the mall where she worked!"

"That's totally darwinning. What a moron!"
by laeiryn October 14, 2011
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The state of being stoned or under the influence of pot. Comes from the use of the word feathers to mean weed.
"Dude, I am so fucking feathered, I can't count my fingers..."
by laeiryn August 26, 2006
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To chill, while under the influence of marijuana. Most often associated with a Philly walk.
"Hey, what're you guys doin' with that spliff?"

"We're phillin', maaan!"
by laeiryn June 23, 2006
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pot, boo, weed, grass, green, dank

Another synonym for the plant cannabis sativa, usually to refer to the higher quality.

This term was invented by a small stoner child when said child declared that calling it 'stoned' was silly, because stones were heavy and it made one feel as though one was flying, and therefore should be called 'feathered'.

See also philly walk.
"Let's get some feathers and an eight-ball, mate."

"You gonna share any of those feathers, or do I gotta go buy my own?"
by laeiryn August 26, 2006
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The state of being extremely fucking stoned. Can be lengthened to "roasty-choasty pack 'em up and posty".
"I am roasty-choasty to the bone, dude."

"Let's smoke this ozzie, get all roasty-choasty."
by laeiryn June 23, 2006
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1. A part of a rose.

2. The term for a dainty little twat.
My lover has the prettiest rose petal.
by laeiryn July 16, 2008
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