7 definitions by kruto

(pronounced kw-ice) meaning four times as much (ex. once, twice, thrice)
"He struck me not once, not twice, not thrice, but quice!"
by kruto February 5, 2023
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(pronounce kwahns) meaning four times as much (etc. once, twice, thrice)
"Did you hear? A guy got shot quance this morning."
by kruto February 5, 2023
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(pronounce dīs) meaning ten times as much (etc. once, twice, thrice, quance, quince, seice, sence, ocense, nonce)
"I've killed deice, and I'll kill again!)
by kruto February 5, 2023
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(pronounced näns) meaning nine times as much (etc. once, twice, thrice, quance, quince, seice, sence, ocense)
"I've been accused of theft damn near nonce!"
by kruto February 5, 2023
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(pronounced kwense) meaning five times as much (etc. once, twice, thrice, quance)
"I'm not a virgin! I've had sex quince!"
by kruto February 5, 2023
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(pronounced sense) meaning seven times as much (etc. once, twice, thrice, quance, quince, seice)
"You shat and blew up the toilet sence?!"
by kruto February 5, 2023
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(pronounced ock-ens) meaning eight times as much (etc. once, twice, thrice, quance, quince, seice, sence)
"You've been in jail ocense, now."
by kruto February 5, 2023
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