148 definitions by kelly

"I just hate it when the damn P.W.T. just start throwin' bottles on the ground!!! I mean...DAMN!"
by kelly March 3, 2004
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Trgdor the BURNINATOR.
Burninating the Countryside, Burninating the Peasents!
by kelly December 3, 2003
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Fag; loser; idiot; gayass; dumbass, etc.(insultive name)
"Hey, Kid! Give me some gum!"
"no fuckbag! find ur own!"
by kelly November 6, 2004
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Acting feminine, homosexual actions, gay antics, unsure of sexual preference
Nathan was known for being the most flamboyant DJ in the area.
by kelly October 16, 2003
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Music attention deficit disorder. You can't find a good song to listen to. You might find one you like but about 30 seconds into the song you're sick of it and turn it.
Person 1 - Man I can't find anything to listen to
Person 2 - You must have music ADD
Person 1 - I need new music
by kelly February 24, 2006
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A cheap gold, stripey jumper worshipper. Arsehole crude and shouts at passers by whilst smoking their last tab in a bushelter. Anyone who isn't a chauver is either a goth or a sk8er according to them.
by kelly October 6, 2003
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a lame person who gets on your nerves or a stupid ass either way
by kelly August 3, 2003
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