11 definitions by keegan

1.) A past tense of confuzzled.
2.) A slang term off another slangterm (confuzzled). *rolls eyes*

(This'll probably be conscidered lame/stupid and deleted, but meh whatever.)
Cyrenne: "Why didn't you answer me earlier?"
TJ: "Your questions confuzzleded me."

Mike: *Looks around at the chaos* "What's going on? I'm confuzzleded."
by keegan September 18, 2004
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henrys word for grabing tits
"My whole life led up to the moment when we spooned"
by keegan March 16, 2004
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A very stuborn person. Usually used for men.
Wife: "He's just so... so..."
Friend: "Bull headed?"
Wife: "Exactly. I get so frustrated with him somtimes."
by keegan September 18, 2004
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From the German word "hassen", "to hate". "De" is a common term meaning "To undo". Therefore, DeHass means "to undo hate".

Or he may just hate you if you are bad at physics and don't do your homework. :(
Mr. DeHass gave me a 64 on my science project. He must hate me.
by keegan February 7, 2005
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1) Used when someone misunderstands something.
2) A short saying sometimes used when trying to sound inoscent.
Cyrenne "Why did you glare at me lastnight?"
Mike "Err... Wot?"
by keegan September 18, 2004
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1. Annoyed
2. Irritated

(Peeve: to get on one's nerves, to get under one's skin, etc.)
Cyrenne was a little pissed and rather peeved when she saw that the slow trafic was going to make her late.
by keegan September 18, 2004
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Slang term of I'm or I am. Litteral meaning: I is...
TJ: "???"
Mike: "I's so happy! My bro just got Halo 2!"
by keegan September 18, 2004
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