
WarCraft is a series of games made by Blizzard. Until now, there are 4 games in the series:

WarCraft I: Orcs and Humans

WarCraft II: Tides of Darkness
* Additional facts:
- There is one expansion; The dark portal.
- There is also released a Battle.net-enabled version of the game with the expansion included.

WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos
* Additional facts:
- One of the most popular RTS games to date.
- There is one expansion; The Frozen Throne
- WarCraft III: Battle Chest is available. This box includes Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, WarCraft III: The Frozen Throne and an official strategy-guide.

World of WarCraft
* Additional facts:
- The most popular MMoRPG to date, if not the most popular game in the world.
- The game currently has about 4.5 million players.
Words and phrases and such used in and about the games:

w3\wc3 = Warcraft 3
tft = Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne
WoW = World of Warcraft
aggro = When you make a mob (computercontrolled enemy) engage you.
oom = Out of Mana
Mana = The energy you need to cast spells\magic.
hp = Health Points.
xp = Experience. Points you need to gain next level. You gain XP by killing mobs in your levelrange and doing quests.
lvl = level
ding = someone announces that they have advanced to a new level.
lfg = looking for group (party)
lfm = looking for an additinal member to an existing group (party)
pp = party party. used when someone wants to enter a group. (Party)
ah = auctionhouse
by Zodux September 26, 2005
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in other words warcrack.A game played by little twelve year olds and forty year old men who live in ther mothers basement.Is more easy to get addicted to then neopets or marijuana.
"I love warcraft so much even though im a sucky Noob that always dies" Leroy Jenkins
by Scoooorch August 1, 2006
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The first major sucseessful game Blizzard ever had. It is set in a medieval world of magic and dragons.
WarCraft in no way shape or is as good as StarCraft.
by Anonymous November 8, 2003
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Warcraft is the military strength or military power of a group, a country or an union
Der Luftwaff, The RAF, The Fatahs, etc..
by Marcelo August 23, 2003
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by cracker jack April 26, 2003
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An RTS/RPG by Blizzard entertainment.
Popular, but painfully linear.
Essentially StarCraft with updated graphics and differant units.

Not as interesting as Command and Conquer.
Not as epic as Homeworld.
Not as many units as Total Annihilation.
WarCraft is alright.
But simply cannot compare to C&C or Homeworld.
by Kane April 4, 2005
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