13 definitions by jpj

Evil v.s. Evil.
America v.s. Arabs, Mulslims, anyone wearing a turban, anyone with a long beard and all brown skinned people.
by jpj June 11, 2004
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A type of Punk Rock in which the lyrics are about anarchism and political activism.
by jpj February 3, 2004
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Kittie is not metal. Anyone that thinks they are metal is a tool. How can anyone think they are the best band of all time? Even kittie knows they're not the best band of all time. If they were a bunch of guys no one would even like them, and they can hardly play their instruments.
Go listen to Slayer, Discharge or Motorhead you bunch of sheep.
by jpj May 28, 2004
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When it's art, you call it a film. When it's mainstream garbage, it's called a movie.
FILMS: "Nosferatu", "Triumph Of The Will", "Citizen Kane", "Annie Hall", "Raging Bull", "The Weather Underground" and "Elephant"
MOVIES: "Fast and The Furious", "Titanic", "Spiderman", "You Got Served", and "Biker Boyz"
by jpj May 3, 2004
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The spectrum in which you define your political stance.
by jpj June 11, 2004
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Male masturbation. Sometimes when masturbating your wrists tend to crack especially if you have arthritis.jerking off, jacking off.
I'll be back in ten minutes im gonna go crack my wrists.
by jpj February 26, 2004
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UK82 is the second wave of british punk, UK77 was the first. 77 was more popular, because it was the beginning of a new genre of music. By the end of the 77 movement most "punks" "grew out of" punk rock music. UK82 is harder, faster, somewhat darker and the fashion was better too.
Varukers, Court Martial, Crux, Broken Bones.
by jpj May 13, 2004
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