16 definitions by jonas

jonas' boyfriend. he is HARLA dope
jonas <3's lerrick. mmmmmmm
by jonas October 28, 2004
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The act of eating out after your done with her vagina and cum is dripping everywhere.... so your slurp it up and spit it back into her.
"hey Shane i heard when your condom broke, Carli asked you to smurlge burg it all back in...."~Jonas
"hey fuck you Jonas!"~Shane
by jonas January 21, 2004
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a group of extreamly good looking guys that excels in many ways among ordinary people
by jonas December 1, 2003
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Used to describe someone who is so ugly that they must be kept behind closed doors, not to be confused with cupboardy which is also a word.
Gaffa looks very cupboardly today.
by jonas March 24, 2005
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Staring someone down, giving them an intimidating look.
"A long hard stare is a grill"
-Big L, "Ebonics"
by jonas January 7, 2005
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2 young street fighting agents with a tendancy to smoke a lot of weed, thus giving them super stoner powers
i would have got away with it too, if it wasnt for that fucking Cunty & Ballsack
by jonas March 3, 2005
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Matt Sloyballs has a FUPA because his pussy smells like skunky hippopotomous.
by jonas August 27, 2003
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