114 definitions by john Doe

joe: hey rick what are you doing ?
Rick: im lkjhgf on the computer
by john Doe November 12, 2003
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the sound my screwdriver makes as it penetrates your eyeball
you gave my girlfriend the num nums now have some of my num nums
by john Doe May 21, 2003
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a girl who would do anything sexual just to keep the guy that they want. Thinking that they can keep him happy with purely sex.
by john Doe May 7, 2003
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A girl that is sexually attractive.
A girl that is hot
A girl that has a nice face, body, etc.
by john Doe January 22, 2004
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Not quite the hood but still the wrong side of the tracks.
Ante you from thr west end, Naw I say over in Drex side
by john Doe November 15, 2003
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