11 definitions by joeydnewyork

flesh lapels

Bulbous Labiae; large vagina lips resembling the lapels on a man's sportcoat
I took this girl home last night, took her trousers off and BAM! I could have made a sandwich out of her Flesh Lapels! There were snail tracks on my floor when she walked out; her pussy dragged on the floor those things were so big!
by joeydnewyork November 26, 2014
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A surly fellow who, after catching a life-threatening virus, proceeds to meet with as many people as possible--most of whom he is not fond of--with full intention of giving them said virus.
Did you hear about Joey? He caught COVID-19, had lunch with 20 people, licked their spoons and glasses when they went to toilet, and they all caught the virus. What a PANDEMDICK!
by joeydnewyork October 11, 2020
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The Long Cold

A slang phrase used in the african american community, usually among a group of males gathered on a street corner or in a barber shop, referring to a sick person who has or is suspected of having HIV/AIDS.
Willie had dat same damn cough for the last year....n*gg*, I think he has THE LONG COLD!
by joeydnewyork July 12, 2012
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Butt Shake

The post-anal-sex act of placing a straw in your partners anus and sucking out the mixture usually consisting of (but not limited to) semen, fecal matter, blood, sweat, etc. Generally used in the homosexual sub-culture but has recently popped up on the radar in the straight community.
After I got through pumping (and blowing my load in) gary's stink star, I put a straw in and enjoyed me some good ol' BUTT SHAKE!!
by joeydnewyork September 12, 2011
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Fee Fee Bag

A makeshift masturbatory device most commonly used by The Incarcerated. Some improvised combinations may include: a piece of saran-wrap & wad of chicken fat; a zip-loc bag corner & hunk of salsbury steak; a condom receptacle & someone's load. Used in female prisons to "flick the bean" or mens' for anal stimulation while "beating the kid"
If the food is good in the joynt, you can make yourself one good Fee Fee Bag and have dessert later on.....alone.....in your cell....late at night.....you know......MASTURBATING!
by joeydnewyork September 13, 2011
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Doctor Spock

A type of facial expression, specifically eyebrow movement when you catch your ho lying, cheating, if you will...

... Suspecting that someone has gone "Where No Man Has Gone Before"
My girl came back, said she went to the store, I got all Doctor Spock on her ass
by joeydnewyork February 22, 2020
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Word Salad Tosser

Someone who is not at a loss-for-words whilst bequeathing a rim job to their lover. Said yakety-jaws feels the need to continue the conversation well into the act of rimming, thus, depriving their mate from enjoying the unique erotic pleasure of analingus.
Sparks were flying in the bedroom last night--rimming was on the menu, however, the server was a real Word Salad Tosser ....yeah, he wouldn't shut the f**k up!
by joeydnewyork August 13, 2024
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