9 definitions by joeydnewyork

Bulbous Labiae; large vagina lips resembling the lapels on a man's sportcoat
I took this girl home last night, took her trousers off and BAM! I could have made a sandwich out of her Flesh Lapels! There were snail tracks on my floor when she walked out; her pussy dragged on the floor those things were so big!
by joeydnewyork November 26, 2014
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A nefarious mound of pubic hair, specifically one with grey area, is stupid, and champions boxing heavyweights.
I took this old chick home from the bar, pulled her panties down, and I saw DON KING! I went down on her and he was coaching me "give it a 1 and a 2"
by joeydnewyork February 22, 2020
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