16 definitions by jimmy ivory

adj. cool and annoying at the same time
Your mother seemed to think having my manhood in her butthole was glassy.
by jimmy ivory April 2, 2004
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n. syn jizz, also "flaz"
Oh baby I'm sorry about gettin that flazum all over your walls and shit.
by jimmy ivory March 26, 2004
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I shmekeled that girl with tha daq!
by jimmy ivory March 26, 2004
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n. female version of jock except without the homophobia
That diesel dyke just kicked the fuck out of that guy's balls. Well I guess she had no use for 'em.
by jimmy ivory March 31, 2004
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n. 1. game played by children to make a decision based on luck
2. game played by adults because they have too fucking much time on their hands (see urbandictionary)
1. Ok Bobby, let's play rock paper scissors to see whether or not you get a beating tonight
2. Oh my sweet holy ball-dropping Christ, I can't believe www.worldrps.com exists and I feel shame for humanity.
by jimmy ivory April 2, 2004
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Yngwie Malmsteen has chops I'll admit, too bad his style is so fucking gay.
by jimmy ivory April 2, 2004
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abbr. America On Ludes
Fucking aol, I feel like I'm walking in fucking molasses and my head is caught in a vice. I can't do shit. I'm a putz for even considering this. Why did God handicap me this horrible way.
by jimmy ivory April 2, 2004
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