13 definitions by jimjones, omnibeing

a complete front put on by one of those real slimy type sons of bitches phony ass hippocrites but so natural at the "living the lie" type of existence, the cocksucker ought to be nominated for best actor/actress or some shit.... you see them pretty much everywhere, every day....for example : the tweeker that steals your bag and spends 2 helps pretending to look for it with you, that best buddy that is so quick and willing to "watch after" your girl when u get locked up....such good a friend they actually sacrifice it all and become the martyr for you, moving in with the skank ass tramp within that first 48 hours your gone....or that family member always preaching bout family sticking together cuz "u dont turn on blood" which is usually followed by a call or three to local CPS office the instant you dont do whatever they say or want.....like i was getting at, this is the front put on by only the most skilled, janky, piece of shit excuses of people that roam the earth, on such a low level they actually have to stand on one anothers shoulders just to see high enough to catch even a glimpse of the much more superior "nigger" lmao, i could make a list of ones local to east mesa ariz but ive just never been one to name-drop...haha
dude i must need to get my eyes checked, stabbed out or something, cuz they obviously dont work for shit....i sure didnt see the scamouflage that got pulled over me by my wife and my brother, topped off when my own mom did it too by calling CPS on me after uncle dad lost the dope and the kids found it....wtf!
by jimjones, omnibeing July 4, 2019
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Term used to describe a woman who is considered to have a successful career as the over-seer of multiple street walking dope whores. Most commonly, a person in this particular lone of work is referred to as a pimp and is in almost all cases the pimp is a man as this line of work is quite sexist and a woman rarely rises above the initial starting point of actual walking the street and selling pussy all day.
Damn, Linda was so cool back in high school but next thing you l of she's offering to trade Hanson's for Meth, then suddenly she's gone full blown cuntrepreneur and has all these skanks that give her their money like she's their pimp.
by jimjones, omnibeing September 2, 2017
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Ghetto - type mofo of a darker species, particularly an older male (aka silverback or "O.G.") who thinks of himself as some sort of "I earned myself some respect foo!" type of person, justifying to himself and others that wanted his clout by acting as pimp to a handful of trashy ugly white bitches and occasionally buying stuff that the hood doesn't want or need, paid in full with the hooker money. Usually these creatures can be most accurately described as looking like a cross between a caveman, a chimp, and a clusterfuck of bright colored and tasteless knockoff clothes
This pimpanzee is throwing a huge surprise birfday bash for that new ho, that blond they call ivory or some shit....
by jimjones, omnibeing May 8, 2017
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A species much like the more common "bagwhore" the hobosexual is known for coming into a neighborhood and running through it like a case of Ebola hitting the African countryside, trading usage of their deadfish-like vagina in exchange for somewhere to dwell. Out of a intentional lack of respect for the bitch, they are usually allowed little more that a few feet of cover under a carport or at best half of a 2'*2' storage closet, a situation that will last no longer than 2 days usually, rarely last past that and never known to be more that a week before they are bounced in a mildly humiliating fashion...acting totally in shock of being ejected they quickly grab as much of the homeowners belongings as possible on the way out, usually being as loud as possible in yelling about how the items had been stolen from them by homeowner.
Dude , I totally messed up now. I needed to get laid and fell victim to that one chick that's been kicking it around the hood lately, that Jennifer girl...turns out she ain't shit but some hobosexual, and to top it all off, she's a horrible lay and ended up taking the family jewels when i kicked her out
by jimjones, omnibeing April 16, 2017
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NOUN---Term used to describe when someone who pervs out on those weaker than the self (mostly children, mentally retarded, or comatose);and always fitting the description of "old creepy imbred-looking predator" ....
VERB----term used to describe an action in which a person falls prey to a creepy chomo type of methhead piece of shit
Damn I think you should go get stitches if u ever plan on sitting down again....the dude down the street really tore you up when he billybickled your ass
by jimjones, omnibeing January 28, 2019
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Ultra low grade quality of media created for the remastering of so-called classic movies that fall into the `Whitey holding our people down `genre... (Ex. `boys in the hood, `color purple`.)was created for them niggaz who have grown so used to owning junk handmedow not trash that The find the shitty quality of these nigger movies to be most comforting
Nigga I was bawling like a Negros at a clan rally last night when Mama Misses played that special remake they just put out on bootleg last months... `root` ..man that Shaka Zulu is a bad info when u see him spear-chuckin in nigital
by jimjones, omnibeing June 6, 2017
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