22 definitions by jim christ

1. One of the greatest cigars in the world. Once hand rolled in Cuba, now from Dominican Republic.

2. Count of "Montecristo" - famous wronged individual who served decades in prison until escape and treasure gave him means to correct injustice.

3. Location on west coast of California habitated by Jimmi C and his favorite Chinavieja.

1. Jimmi Ray lit a Montecristo, put on a CD by Jimmy Buffet, poured himself a Mojito and pulled Dulce Maria on to his lap for a sunset moment.

2. Edmund Dantes escaped prison by hiding in a bag that the guards thought contained a dead man, went to an island where he found a massive treasure and then moved back home and took the name "Count of Montecristo" as he tied up a few loose threads in sweet revenge.

3. Jimmi Ray worked for 20 years as a measure, inspector and advertising guy and then retired to a place he called "Montecristo" where the Russian River became the Pacific Ocean.
by jim christ May 12, 2008
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A person who always kicks back, kicks it, relaxes. One who rarely shoulders responsibility and avoids stress and anxiety.
Jake is either grafted to the couch, the back yard hammock, the lounge chair, or the lazyboy... or still in bed.
by jim christ December 20, 2006
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mutation from the Latin meaning "always a dog", always being a dog, always base and self-gratifying, always begging handout, freebees, sex, gratuities. Always "dogging it".
When Zeb related to ladies and friends in his base self-serving way he was "Semper Fido" - always doglike.
by jim christ November 29, 2007
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Curve on San Francisco Bay Bridge at Yerba Buena Island fitted in late 2009 which challenges the 200 thousand plus daily drivers with Darwins Law of "natural selection".
In the two months after the "S" curve was built into the Bay Bridge; 16 million vehicles crossed the bridge with only 44 accidents at Darwins Curve.
by jim christ November 10, 2009
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A room in the middle of a house or courtyard leading to house which has open ceiling, sometimes a water feature and ART displayed as in a gallery. Similar to an "atrium" but with ARTWORK as the main attraction.
Jimmer emptied the espresso maker into his cup and took a leisurely amble into the artrium where he contemplated sculptures, paintings and prints waiting for him there.
by jim christ August 14, 2009
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1. any race or competition that's more of a comedy than a real test of speed or endurance 2. Homo Sapiens
1. While watching the NASCAR vehicles making left turns all afternoon on TV as well as viewing the weekend freeway action through the window; I realized they were both clown races.
2. Taking into account natural resources, global politics and the lack of unity on planet earth; the inhabitants thereof should be known as the clown race.
by jim christ February 2, 2009
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Another name for city of Santa Rosa in Sonoma County, California which was underground renamed after Residents song "Santa Dog" as well as to celebrate the creation of Charles "Sparky" Schultz - the one and only SNOOPY!
Jimmy Ray crossed the Golden Gate bridge and headed north on Highway 101 thinking about Santa Dog Rosa as well as all the years he'd been making that magical drive to the coast along River Road.
by jim christ May 31, 2009
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