25 definitions by jethrojones

A UDaman is someone that is a wordsmither. This individual simply cannot exist in the normal every day in and day out use of "accepted" english language. As the world changeth, so doeth the words to express thyself. UDamen and UDawomen are modern day word crafting pioneers. They enjoy their craft and are proud to be udabeings. Encourage people to become UDabeings. Eat, live and work with UDabeings.
Jadu: How do you do it?
Vrin: I simply don't know.
Jadu: UDaman, you wordsmithing human.
Vrin: Just can't help it man. I was just born to be a UDaman I guess.
Jadu: You got dat right.
by jethrojones February 17, 2009
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Hurlage is what comes out of your mouth when you hurl up your Aunt Sophie's special tuna casserole. Hurlage usually ends up in the bathroom, but can sometimes be found on the floor, walls, and ceiling leading to the john.
Vrin: Waht's the matter man?
Jadu: I just came back from Aunt Sophie's.
Vrin: No, don't tell me.
Jadu; Yeah.I hurled again after eating her tuna casserole. Hurlage was simply everywhere. Some even got on the dog and on her angel food cake.
Vrin: You okay?
Jadu: Kinda.
by jethrojones February 11, 2009
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People who after constantly eating McDonalds for 10 or more years, look like and smell like McDonalds product. Their parents and grandparents let them graze there when they could first take solid food. They are Mcbrain Dead. They cry uncontrollably when they see vegetables.
Vrin: Look at that 400 lb. teen eating yet another happy Meal.
Jadu: That's their 3rd one already!!! The teen's McBrain Dead parents work there and dine al fresco later in the Mcdumpster out back.
by jethrojones November 30, 2012
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Hamburger parents. Parents that give in to all of the demands of their li'l precious ones and then wonder WTF happened? Clueless and run thru their "loving" kids' own peresonal parent shredders, they continue to drift aimlessly thru parenthood lost in the daily grind. Result: hamburger parents.
Hey Fred, "Look at those rude kids."
"Yup." "They were brought up by their hamburger parents."
by jethrojones August 9, 2012
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When someone is deeply fried, well done past burnt and has slid quietly into the zone. This special soul has checked out. They can breathe and maybe burp a bit, little more though. They are on the other side of the counter now. Total hamburger.
Vrin: "Man you are fucked up dude." "You've ceased being human."
Jadu: "I know." (Spoken slowly.)
Vrin: "You resemble landfill now."
Jadu: "I know." (Spoken very slowly.)
Vrin: "Dude, you are fucking hamburger." "Like total hamburger."
Jadu: "I know." (Barely audible.)
Vrin: "Dude, do you want a donut or a beer?"
Jadu: "I know." (No audio now.)
by jethrojones September 2, 2012
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When the babe you're engaged in serious foreplay with goes into kitchen and you notice major sauce leakage from her nookie area on your new leather couch.
Vrin: Damn, Sally Sue had a nookielear spill on my new leather sofa last night.
Jadu: How man?
Vrin: We were just foolin around on the couch and she was getting real excited, and left a third of my sofa covered in her liquid excitement.
Jadu: You okay?
Vrin. Kinda. I called the store where I bought it and they said they can't accept nookielear stained sofas anymore.
Jadu: Bummer man.
by jethrojones November 15, 2007
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When on a what you thought was a red hot date, babalicious only lets you feel her boobs through her cumbersome bra and sweater.
Jadu: I kinda bummed.
Vrin: What happened man?
Jadu: I had a date date with Sally Sue last night and she would only let me feel her boobs through her varsity sweater. Just got some dry tit really.
Vrin: Sorry dude. You okay?
Jadu: Sorta.
by jethrojones November 13, 2007
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