12 definitions by jamie aka the hussy housewife

When someones calls you while they are on the toilet. Using the facilities while talking.
Gross! That guy at the club last night phone throned me this morning. I heard the whole symphony he played.
by jamie aka the hussy housewife January 16, 2009
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When you are talking to someone on the phone who decides to relieve themselves while still talking to you. You know because you hear them flush the toilet!
Cindy had the nerve to phone flush me last night! She tried to play it off like she was doing the dishes...but I knew better. I know she phone flushed me.
by jamie aka the hussy housewife January 16, 2009
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1. A word that can be to describe certain people on twitter. People who tweet stupid, uninteresting mundain things. Similar to the meaning of:

-being a twit
-being a d*ckhead


2. A person who is addicted to Twitter, and twittering. Diehard twitters.
She can't even stop twittering to use the restroom or eat...tweets in her sleep. She is aciting like such a tweethead.
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When you are staring a new relationship with someone. It first starts out through texting each other. Before you are sexually active in the relationship you are textually active. No sex involved..just text.
Me and that girl are just textually active...nothing serious yet. Just texting to get to know each other.
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Term used by housewives to describe their gay friend who is their gay version of their husband.

The man who acts as their husbands replacement/stand in for outings and activities that her hubby won't partake in. Ones he may deem "girlie."
"I asked my hubby to go with me today and get pedicures...then hit the fabric store for our new curtains. He told me to call my Gubby..cause there is a Football game on today."
by jamie aka the hussy housewife September 10, 2009
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These are people who loiter all day and night at your local 24 hour Walmart Super Center...with nothing to do.

Similar to Mallrats that hang all day in a mall..but these Wall Rats smell bad, usually don't have jobs, and dress like it is Halloween everyday.
Sally: "Crap..I gotta go to Walmart later tonight."

Molly: "What! Why?"

Sally: "I forgot I need a cheese log for our Office meeting in the morning."

Molly: "You better remember to pack your mace to ward off the Wallrats."
by jamie aka the hussy housewife September 29, 2009
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It it what happens a few days after Halloween. After all the good candy is gone. You have gone from eating Snickers and Kit Kats to Smarties and Jolly Ranchers. When this happens..you have a Halloween Recession on your hands.
The Halloween Recession has hit at our house. We are down to the hard candies and dums dums.
by jamie aka the hussy housewife November 8, 2010
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