5 definitions by jackshaw8

shit, excrement, stuuf that shots from your ass.
eat my jobby, do it, do it.
by jackshaw8 April 17, 2005
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glasgow slang, somone who is daft.
here ya dafty, get stabbed.
by jackshaw8 April 17, 2005
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blacknecks who swarm to the giro q at every given oppurtunity.
that wee fenian needs a wash
by jackshaw8 April 17, 2005
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totally bollocks music, more like noise
grindcore, isn't it jus wanks that listen to that?
by jackshaw8 April 17, 2005
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one who has sex with one of the same sex. usually aimed as an insult towards a male.
you're a harry hoofter, now jog on before i kick you in the nuts, ya ride!
by jackshaw8 April 17, 2005
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