8 definitions by it

The biggest burrito of angst the world has ever known. Tasted great in the eighties, stained our drawls in the nineties, but just remains an ugly crusty spot on the carpet of the New Millenium.
I think I got some 'tallica on your carpet, pussy!
by it April 16, 2004
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Someone who does the long jump but doesn't reach the sand.
You are a snodge.
by it September 21, 2003
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when you use the point to point feature of a cell phone
direct-connect jimmy
by it February 8, 2004
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A college at the University of Minnesota who in the hierarchy of the individual colleges is just above the Carlson School of Management, putting them as the second worst college in the nation.
A student in CLA could state, "I am slightly less of a douchebag then a Carlson student, only slightly"
by it March 23, 2005
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One who uses an incorrect definition of sitcom.
I saw "the Diary of Anne Frank on TNT last night. What a great sitcom."
by it June 10, 2004
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A being of mystical presence. Commonly known as "Shane"
The Molisc wandered into the forest. With chicken in hand, and fetus in mouth, he shall reign supreme and defeat lord chipper chopper.
by it May 3, 2004
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