4 definitions by inew


The pergatory between marriage and divorce, distinguished by an abundance of revenge sex.
Being separated is like being sleep-deprived, but with boners.
by inew April 13, 2015
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The pergatory between marriage and divorce, distinguished by an abundance of revenge sex.
Being separated is like being sleep-deprived, but with boners.
by inew April 13, 2015
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serial monogamist

A person who enjoys long-term, loving, exclusive relationships almost as much as they enjoy keeping all their money and stuff.
Brad: That's a really nice bass boat, Ryan. I had to sell mine during the divorce.
Ryan: Sorry, bud. You really need to try being a serial monogamist.
by inew April 1, 2015
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A means of concluding a marriage which does not include a funeral.
Julie: I can't believe Josh is dead. After 12 years of marriage, his poor wife must be heartbroken. I don't think she'll ever be with another man.
Kim: Well, I felt like that when Josh divorced me for her, but me and Steve are more in love today than ever!
by inew April 7, 2015
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