6 definitions by if you read this you're gay122

when you tie a bitch to the ceiling by the legs and she gives you a upside down blow job
Man: Lets Spiderman kiss
Woman: ew no!!!
Man: You don't have a choice
by if you read this you're gay122 September 25, 2020
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A popular game made by HI-REZ studios. And is arguably the best game made by HI-REZ studios.
Guy 1:"Hey dude wanna play paladins?"
Guy 2:"Nah dude that's gay , Lets play Rogue Company";
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A website that was originally for normal definitions then people just added retarded jokes
urban dictionary is fuck weird nowadays
by if you read this you're gay122 September 25, 2020
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all of them are fucking gay because Xbox is gay
Person1:hey what side are you on with the console wars?
Person2:Im with the Xbox gamers
by if you read this you're gay122 September 25, 2020
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when you like your ex girlfriends Facebook pics by accident and she starts getting attached again
guy1: shit dude you gotta help me
guy2:what happened?
guy1:i liked my ex girlfriends Facebook pics by accident and she has started texting me again
guy2:shit dude you're fucked
by if you read this you're gay122 September 26, 2020
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